Build a "knowledge base" of lessons learned that can be shared throughout the organization and across multiple sites, suppliers, and customers. Understand the root cause and prevent similar issues.
Match XFRACAS to your internal processes, and refine them as they evolve. Leverage the flexibility of XFRACAS to scale and make changes within your organization, as well as share the essentials across business units.
Achieve design improvements, faster product release, better service, and enhanced customer satisfaction with XFRACAS.
Bridge the gap between addressing individual failures and managing efforts to understand, contain and resolve the underlying problems with XFRACAS' closed-loop process.
Manage your products and processes, track your failures and returns, escalate incidents, and implement a corrective action system to prevent reoccurrences and improve performance.
The incident reporting process in XFRACAS can result in clean, usable data for reliability analysis in ReliaSoft desktop applications. You can easily use the failure data to perform reliability analysis with ReliaSoft Weibull++ software to spot trends, assess the situation before issues become larger problems, and proactively make product corrective plans. If XFRACAS data entry is based on fully serialized systems, you can extract complete time-to-failure and suspension data by system, subsystem and component.
Closing the loop between your FMEA and FRACAS can be very beneficial for all your future design revisions and products. With ReliaSoft XFMEA, you can synchronize the generic system configurations, use FMEA to define the failure modes that can be assigned to incidents, problems or failure analysis reports or use failure modes defined in XFRACAS as input to your FMEA.
You can deploy ReliaSoft SEP on the same database and web server as XFRACAS. When implemented together, SEP links to the FRACAS records assigned to you, and enables FMEA teams to review relevant field failure reports for the parts they are analyzing.
The XFRACAS tool is utilized within GE Aviation to run Flight Safety related items across all of the programs to maintain compliance with the US Government.