Contractors and operators in the Oil & Gas industry are often dealing with failures that can be critical from both an environmental and financial standpoint, amounting to downtime costing tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per day. Wells are now equipped with more advanced Blow Out Preventer (BOP) Stack Pools comprised of additional components to ensure they meet more stringent safety guidelines preventing catastrophic events. As BOPs become more complex, they require additional maintenance and safety components thereby introducing additional points of failure. As regulations require detailed reporting on increasingly complex equipment, the need to move away from manual reporting has become clearer.
With rising prices and new regulations, the Oil & Gas industry faces many challenges related to the improvement of equipment reliability and data collected by operators for analysis. From this data, reported as events, it is advantageous to have a simple and efficient way to link events having the same root cause to identify common failures.
HBM Prenscia worked with an offshore drilling contractor to go beyond manual reporting of events to help achieve full regulatory compliance through the implementation of ReliaSoft XFRACAS. XFRACAS is a web-based system that not only enables the reporting process to be managed from failure to resolution but also adds efficiency by enabling events to be assigned to problems in just a couple of clicks. It is a highly configurable system that can greatly enhance customer satisfaction with its extensive, in-depth reporting capabilities and user-friendly interface for event tracking. Its in-depth reporting capabilities make it possible to generate aging reports that can be presented to regulatory entities.
By implementing XFRACAS, contractors and operators in the Oil & Gas industry can: