nCode VibeSys is a data processing system that contains a powerful set of predefined tools for performing vibration analysis. In addition to general signal processing, VibeSys contains dedicated analyses for early fault detection in rotating machinery, efficiently analyzing and fine-tuning designs for better sound quality, and characterising the dynamics of a structure.
Explore the advanced features of nCode VibeSys, designed to meet your vibration analysis needs with precision and efficiency. Click on the link below to download the brochure and discover how VibeSys can enhance your vibration testing and analysis projects.
Accelerate product validation
Create a realistic PSD or swept sine shaker vibration test based on measured data.
Strengthen confidence in simulated results
Validate or enhance structural FE modelling through interactive displays for characterising modal properties.
Improve consistency and quality of analysis
Save time and cost with scalable interactive processing of data in a graphical workspace.
The rotating machinery analysis options [in VibeSys] cover all our needs such that we could get rid of macros: for us it is now easier and faster to obtain more consistent and meaningful results.
Learn how VibeSys helps engineersre duce NVH and improve overall vehicle quality by transforming test data into design decisions early on in the development process.