Reference accelerometers are often calibrated as a Primary calibration. This can be done in the Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics (DPLA). Reference accelerometers are calibrated by the requirements specified in ISO 16063–11, Method 3 using Laser Interferometry.
In HBK service centers the calibrations are done as secondary, comparison calibrations. Accelerometers are calibrated in accordance with the requirements as specified in ISO16063-21 (Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers) and product specifications.
Standard calibrations are performed in the range from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. Low-frequency calibrations are available down to 1 Hz.
An accredited certificate will be accepted without discussion from your customers or auditing authorities. HBK can provide the following types of accreditations for HBK accelerometers:
To start the accredited calibration history from day one, we recommend that you take advantage of our accredited calibration services when you purchase your new accelerometer.
HBK recommends annual re-calibration to provide data for an unbroken calibration history to use as a reference, either for internal requirements, for auditing required by authorities or at the request of your customers. The shorter the period between calibrations, the lower the risk of questionable measurements.
Calibration of accelerometers is performed in the range 1 Hz to 20 kHz
Measurements are conducted according to IEC 16063 and to the manufacturer’s specifications
Measurements are traceable to institutions such as NIST and PTB
With the accredited certificate, you get:
For accelerometers, Brüel & Kjær can provide accredited calibration and traceable calibration. Regular accredited and traceable calibrations ensure that your accelerometer is working correctly and provides proof of measurement accuracy.