Weibull++ supports all types of life data analysis, including:
Parameter estimation options for standard life data analysis include:
All major lifetime distributions (including all forms of the Weibull distribution) are also supported:
If you are not sure, which model is appropriate for a given data set, the Distribution Wizard automatically performs several types of goodness-of-fit tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Correlation Coefficient, Likelihood value) in order to rank the available distributions. It comes also with the ability to rank data points using Kaplan-Meier or Median Ranks.
Weibull++ provides confidence bounds for parameters, calculated results and plots. Depending on the specific analysis method used, the confidence bounds may be calculated using the Fisher Matrix, Likelihood Ratio, Beta Binomial or Bayesian (BSN) approach.
Reliability demonstration test design determines the appropriate sample size, test duration or other variables for designing effective reliability tests and demonstration tests. Expected failure times plot displays times-to-failure that you may expect to observe for a given reliability life test.
Difference detection matrix allows you to detect the difference between the reliabilities of two separate designs.
A choice of data entry formats available for using sales/returns data to perform life data analysis and make warranty projections: nevada chart, times-to-failure, dates of failure and usage (e.g., mileage, cycles, etc.), as well as the time.
Use the linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, Gompertz or Lloyd-Lipow models to extrapolate the failure times of a product based on its performance (degradation) over a period of time. Weibull++ also includes destructive degradation analysis and the option to create user-defined degradation models.
Weibull++ supports a variety of experiment design types, including factorial and fractional designs, Taguchi robust designs, response surface method designs, and DOE based on product life, called reliability DOE.
The Quick Calculation Pad (QCP) is a "Calculation Log" that allows you to record the results from a series of different calculations and then copy/paste the information as needed.
The software also provides a complete array of calculated results and plots based on the analysis. For life data analysis, this includes:
Weibull++ provides a complete array of advanced plotting tools. The Plot Setup allows you to completely customize the "look and feel" of plot graphics. You can save your plots in a variety of graphic file formats for use in other documents.
Customizable reports are also built into Weibull++. They seamlessly integrate spreadsheet and word processing capabilities while enabling you to include calculated results and plots from your analysis.