Use the following instructions if you received a license file (*.lic). (For versions prior to 2020, if you received a *.prnrsl file, please contact technical support for instructions.)
Alternatively, if you received only a license key (a 32-digit alphanumeric code), see
One or both methods can be used on the same computer. For example, if you have your own single-user license for BlockSim and will share your department’s multi-user (floating) license for Weibull++, you will receive a license key for BlockSim and a license file for Weibull++.
If you will use both types of licensing on the same computer, use the installation instructions for locally hosted licenses. When you launch any application that isn’t included in your locally hosted license or that you have specified as using ReliaSoft-hosted licensing via the License Settings Tool, the ReliaSoft License Manager will allow you to perform the activation of your ReliaSoft-hosted license(s) using a product license key.
Before running the installation program, make sure your computer meets the system requirements for ReliaSoft desktop applications.
You must be logged in with a user account that has administrative rights.
It is strongly recommended that you close all other applications during the installation.
There are two steps involved in installing your new software: setting up the license server and setting up the client computer(s).
First, the administrator must configure the license server by following these steps. If you have already set up a license server for ReliaSoft or nCode products, you do not need to repeat this process. Note that a server can run only one *.lic file, so if you have multiple licenses, each will run on a separate server.
It is also important to remember that the license is customized to work only on the computer that you specified as your license server. This computer must remain on and accessible via the network to all client computers, with the license service running.
Once the license server has been set up, perform the following steps for each client installation. If you have previously connected the client computer to the appropriate license server, you can start at step 4.
The first time you launch an application, you may be asked to provide your name and basic contact information. This is required to be eligible for technical support.
After initial installation and setup, there are various tasks that you may need to perform.
For each locally hosted license, the license administrator must remit log files to ReliaSoft on a quarterly basis, in accordance with the license agreement. When the license server has been started, the log file will be automatically generated in the directory <installation path>\HBM Prenscia\Licensing\log. At the end of each quarter, use a file compression utility to compress the quarter's *.csv file (indicated by a year and quarter abbreviation in the filename) into a *.zip file and send the compressed file to [email protected].
You will use the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration utility when you set up the license server and the client computers. If you need to open the utility again at a later time, choose HBM Prenscia Licensing > Licensing Administration in the Windows Start menu. You can: