Dr. Julio Pulido is a Reliability and Quality Assurance Engineer with Nortek. The firm manufactures commercial and industrial humidification systems and operates affiliated companies in 16 countries around the world. He explains how Accelerated Life Testing module (Weibull++) benefitted Nortek.
"Our company is a leader in the area of air solutions. We have products—air handlers—and we deal with entire units. [Any given] building, most likely, will be using one of our products. My role is in the area of reliability, quality, and excellence for product development. My job is to drive the organization to an excellence level. And for that, we implemented two processes, as well as testing techniques, analytical techniques."
"Today, they have electrical, electronics, and mechanical components and systems. They require different techniques and that's where [ReliaSoft products] apply very well. I can look at an electrical issue; I can look at an electronic issue with the same tool. Not only that, I can know model the system and understand: What is my preventative maintenance? What is required to maintain that product in a cost-effective way?"
"What's most important is delivery. We used the tool to drive results in five months. It took us five months from going into the application, developing a problem, using accelerated life testing techniques. Using [Accelerated Life Testing module], we were able to replicate the effects from the field... in the lab in a five-month period. That is amazing. Now I can say to my design engineers: 'Okay this good, should you do some changes to improve?' That is the advantage."
"Simple and direct. [ReliaSoft products are] the best tools out there on the market... easier to use. Any engineer can use the tool intuitively. The advantage is just the fact that ReliaSoft [products] are easy to use, and they are integrated. [This] makes it easier for a person who has never looked at reliability to use the tool and get to a solution in an easy manner. [You do] not need a large knowledge of statistics. The tool allows them to navigate to the end."
Nortek Air Solutions is an industry leader and trusted provider of custom air handling solutions and HVAC equipment for a wide range of applications — from education and office buildings, to healthcare facilities and operating rooms, to data centers and cleanrooms, to manufacturing facilities. With a long history of custom engineering energy-efficient, reliable systems that provide superior indoor air quality, low sound levels, and low total operating costs, we have the industry experience and technical expertise to create the ideal solution for your application requirements.