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Release Notes

This page contains release notes for all ReliaSoft applications.

Select a release version below

Version 2024


All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Initial public release for Version 2024 applications.

All Desktop Applications

New Features
  • Added TLS Support for secure email generation from desktop applications.
  • Added support for ReliaSoft desktop tools to be able to write RS Errors to the general Windows error log.

Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where a "License is corrupt" message would be encountered when uninstalling
    certain prior versions of ReliaSoft.
  • Resolved an issue where non-admin users of the database were able to upgrade SQL-based
    enterprise databases.
  • Resolved an issue where items within the history log could be lost when using the Archive History Log feature and a date other than the current date was used.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to edit the description of an attachment.


Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the Change Units window would not open using the command within the usage format warranty analysis folio control panel.
  • Resolved an issue where life-stress data folios that were using the cumulative damage life-stress model and cyclical stress profiles were returning incorrect results.
  • Resolved an issue where workbook plots for life-stress data folios using the cumulative damage life stress model were not correctly returning results.


New Features
  • As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams. 
  • Updated the formatting when building fault trees from XFMEA to follow the default settings instead of hard-coding the names of the blocks.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where published Accelerated Destructive Degradation TH-Lognormal distribtution could not be added to a block.

Lambda Predict

New Features
  • Added support for enterprise databases to contain a Lambda Predict Library.
  • Added the ability to import components from Lambda Predict libraries to the current Lambda Predict library.
  • Added the ability to manage permissions for embedded Lambda Predict enterprise libraries.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the import preview would not correctly display Supplier.
  • Resolved an issue where Copy Component Parameters from Phase when using FIDES would not function correctly if the existing phases belonged to a category.
  • Resolved an issue where the Part Number lookup was applied to BOM imports when the option was not selected.


  • Added the ability to re-use effects with their associated severity score(s).


New Features

• Added support for MSG-3 2018 Vol. 1 and Vol.2.

Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue in certain situations where custom MSI reports would generate without including any data.
  • Resolved an issue where projects with LHSI-enabled MPC analyses could not be checked back in.


  • Renamed the “SEP Admin” page to “Site settings” and moved most of the settings to admin utilities running on the web server. From SEP Admin, click Manage Users and SEP Settings.
  • The “Encrypt communication” checkbox is now selected by default when specifying database connection settings in admin utilities running on the web server (SEP Configuration File, Manage Users and SEP Settings). You will need to clear this checkbox if your database server does not support an encrypted connection.
  • The option for nCode Aqira users to access SEP without a license seat is no longer supported.


New Features
  • For Audit compliance, added additional application logging of the following:

o Clearing the diagnostic log
o Clearing the Data Import Utility log
o Deleting attached files
o Viewing attached files
o Generating charts
o Generating reports
o Tracking every page a user accesses

These additions, along with SQL Server temporal tables and IIS logging, give full audit capability of user usage within the application.

  • Added the ability to see a user’s last access when reviewing a user account on the Manage User page to understand last time that account was used.
  • Added additional support to turn SQL Server temporal table support on and off.
  • Added the XFRACAS Service Role to database to support dynamically adding and removing detail indexes as the details are added or removed. These new indexes support faster reporting on large scale system with millions of records.
  • Updated the ability to export templates by HID and serialized system data by SHID to either XML or XLS.
  • Added the ability to import retired parts when importing templates in XML to support legacy template or data migration into XFRACAS.
  • As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.

  • Encrypted communication between application and database is now the default setting when creating and connecting to databases.
  • Encrypted Connection is now displayed in debug sections where database information is displayed when this option is enabled.
  • Increased the limit of FRB reviewers from 5 to 20 on each step of the Problem page.
  • The Serialized System page now shows part details for associated part for quicker access to associated part information.
  • Added support for Attachment, Status, and Item Category details to the user template and serialized system search display page.
  • Added support for separator detail display on the Template and Serialized System pages.
  • Added new BlockSim details to support building RBDs within BlockSim from XFRACAS BOM.
  • Added additional tool tips to the Repair and Replace dialog to support explaining to end users the data that needs to go into each field.
  • Disabled the ability to edit time metrics on repaired or replaced part rows if the incident is in read-only mode.
  • Added support for Failure Mode details being required on the Incident page.
  • Resolved an intermittent undefined error message issue when saving a failure analysis report.
  • Resolved a few output inconsistencies on the default Print Preview on Failure Analysis page.
  • For details with e-mail notification enabled, the person picking the detail value also now gets a CC on the same notification.
  • Added three Action Reports that include additional data from parent records: Incident Action, Problem Action, and Project Action. This allows, for example, the ability to review actions associated to incidents and include additional information for the incident in the report, such as incident details. Previously, you would have to use a separate tool such as Microsoft Excel and merge two report outputs into one.
  • Added prefixes to Action Status, Action Status - Date, and Action Status - User to help identify data sources when this data is included with parent data.
  • When saving a report as another report, the new report icon is now defaulted to the current report style.
  • Updating reporting on actions when security details are enabled to show action data that is not restricted by security details. Previously, the unrestricted data was just omitted.
  • Optimized report output of fields for Last Updated By, Last Updated Time, Viewed By and Viewed By Time to show the last single value.


New Features
  • As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.


All Desktop Applications

  • Resolved an issue where a "License is corrupt" message would be encountered when uninstalling certain prior versions of ReliaSoft.
  • Resolved an issue where non-admin users of the database were able to upgrade SQL-based enterprise databases.
  • Resolved an issue where items within the history log could be lost when using the Archive History Log feature and a date other than the current date was used.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to edit the description of an attachment.


  • Resolved an issue that resulted in an error when using the Run As command and returning to folios that the impersonated user did not have access to.
  • Resolved an issue with the Transfer Life Data to Selected folio feature where users encountered an error due to the ability to select folders as folios.
  • Resolved an issue where the Change Units window would not open via the command within the usage format warranty analysis folio control panel.
  • Resolved an issue where life-stress data folios using the cumulative damage life-stress model and cyclical stress profiles were returning incorrect results.
  • Resolved an issue where workbook plots for life-stress data folios using the cumulative damage life stress model were not correctly returning results.



  • Updated the formatting when building fault trees from XFMEA to follow the default settings instead of hard-coding the names of the blocks.
  • Resolved an issue where a published Accelerated Destructive Degradation TH-Lognormal model could not be added to a block.

Lambda Predict

  • Resolved an issue where the import preview would not correctly display Supplier.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Copy Component Parameters from Phase” column (used for FIDES anlyses) would not function correctly if the existing phases belonged to a category.
  • Resolved an issue where Part Number Lookup was applied to BOM imports when the option was not selected.
  • Resolved an issue where an error was encountered when trying to delete components when highlighting was enabled.


  • Resolved an issue where the Select Profile from Library label was missing in the Project Properties window.


  • Resolved an issue in certain situations where custom MSI reports would be generated without including any data.
  • Resolved an issue where an L/HIRF selection question was incorrectly displayed in the Zone Question (Details) area in reports.
  • Resolved an issue where the Model/Equipment/Effectivity label was missing in the Project Properties window.
  • Resolved an issue where projects with LHSI-enabled MPC analyses could not be checked back in.


  • Resolved an issue with the DIU sending out reminder e-mails for past due action items and past due FRBs.



  • Added functionality to define and name folders in BlockSim under which imported diagrams can be placed using the XFRACAS to BlockSim API.
  • Added functionality to delete specified folders in BlockSim using the XFRACAS to BlockSim API.
  • Added the ability to separately define the Block Name, Block Description and Part Number during the import process using the XFRACAS to BlockSim API.



All Desktop Applications

  • Resolved an issue where date formatting in many outputs would revert to US date formats.
  • Resolved an issue where users in an Active Directory security group associated with a ReliaSoft security group would not always synchronize correctly.
  • Resolved an issue in enterprise databases where a database upgrade would not proceed if userID1 had been removed.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Collect error logs” option would incorrectly be cleared when the “Collect usage data” option was cleared.
  • Resolved an issue where ReliaSoft applications would unexpectedly crash when usage tracking was enabled.


  • Resolved an issue where the incorrect metric was returned in the QCP for the 1-parameter exponential parameter bounds when reporting for lambda.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Use mean time for the exponential distribution” setting would not be applied correctly.



  • Resolved an issue where using the undo command while manipulating items in BlockSim diagrams resulted in items being misplaced.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Build RBD and FTs from ReliaSoft Application” command would not work when usage tracking was enabled.
  • Added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.


  • Resolved an issue where the “Send to Excel” command would not work when working with certain profiles.
  • Resolved an issue where certain drop-down fields would lose their definitions when copying risk ranking logic from another profile.
  • Resolved an issue where record filtering in change logs would not work as intended.


  • Resolved an issue where certain MPC reports created in previous versions could not be loaded.
  • Resolved an issue where pasting multiple times in the Zonal/L-HIRF hierarchy resulted in an error.
  • Resolved an issue where the right-click menu in the Zonal/L-HIRF was mislabeled.
  • Resolved an issue with date format mismatches in MPC Query and Export outputs.


  • Updated the output on the FMEA > Queries & Data tab to include new MSR Risk Prioritization fields when they’re enabled in the XFMEA project.
  • For projects where the “Use AIAG & VDA 1st ed. Logic for MSR” option is selected in the risk ranking logic, applied the new logic to the RRi and RRr results displayed on SEP’s FMEA > Hierarchy view tab, FMEA > Queries & Data tab and FMEA dashboard tiles. However, the “Risk Profile with Action Status” option in the “FMEA Stats” dashboard tile is not correct for this type of project and should be disabled/hidden.



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Initial public release for Version 2023 applications.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where text in the ReliaSoft Admin tool was not resizing correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where certain licensing scenarios would display an incorrect error message referencing a license feature that was not present.
  • Resolved an issue where locally hosted licensing (LM-X) HAL licenses returned an error when correctly configured.


All Desktop Applications

  • Updated all links to use HTTPS protocol.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where ReliaSoft installations would cause disruptions with certain functions of Microsoft Office in specific scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where “send to Excel” and “send to Word” functionality would not work correctly when Office 21 32-bit is installed.


Defect Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the Distribution Wizard would not return results when the free-form (probit) data type was selected.
  • Resolved an issue where life-stress profiles were incorrectly plotted when there were more than 500 data points in the profile.



New Features
  • Added the Binary Decision Diagram Approximation analysis type to allow for analytical calculations of very large fault tree diagrams (greater than 25,000 events and gates).
  • Improved the efficiency and performance of fault tree analysis using Binary Decision Diagram analysis types.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where multiblock subdiagrams set to “define at this level” throughput were returning incorrect throughput results.
  • Resolved an issue that resulted in a user object leak.

Lambda Predict

  • Introduced an option when using the FIDES standard to retain or transfer component properties when removing phases.
Defect Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where certain reports would not be generated when output to Word format.
  • Resolved an issue where reports would result in an error message when the PrintSpooler service was off.



New Features
  • Added the FMEA-MSR (Failure Modes and Effect Analysis - Monitoring System Response) feature to allow for both the AIAG & VDA FMEA-MSR and SAE J1739 2021 FMEA-MSR approaches.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an error in RCM++ when adding zones and access details to task packages.
  • Resolved an issue where XFMEA would sometimes place windows behind other application windows.
  • Resolved an issue where profiles/libraries were converted instead of just loading.
  • Resolved an issue where the width of the Value column in the severity rating drop-down list could not be modified.
  • Resolved an issue where the Control Plan report would result in an error when created with French language settings.
  • Resolved an issue where risk discovery ratings could not be imported.


  • Updated the output on FMEA > Queries & Data to include new MSR fields when they’re enabled in the XFMEA project. XFMEA’s new MSR Risk Prioritization fields are planned to be supported in SEP 23.0.2.


New Features
  • Added TLS support and account authentication when sending e-mails.
  • Added a preview function to Report Builder.
  • Added the ability to limit Responsible Part selection to a single selection.
  • Added a property to Attachment details to limit linked record typed associations (for example, incident to incidents only).
  • Added the ability to collapse link groups in the Links panel on the XFRACAS Portal page.
  • Updated the text input restriction function and ability for both international language support and additional security features.
  • Resized popup dialogs to better handle different screen resolutions and browser settings.
  • Enabled the ability to create issue within Details set to allow user updates.
  • Added support for default values on details for the Project page.
  • Updated Last Updated By user when an incident is saved.
  • Added date validation to Problem Closed Date.
  • Updated the entity deletion process to support removing all users' information within that entity.
  • Updated error deletion from the diagnostic page for Oracle systems.
  • Enhanced the ability to edit Public Reports with permissions.
  • Added Old and New Serial Numbers to the Responsible Part report.
  • Removed the ability to add hyperlink details in the Report Builder.
  • Updated reporting on Viewed and Viewed by to show only the last occurrence for each user.
  • Added logging of when actions are viewed.
  • Added support for Action Queries with security details enabled.
  • Added the ability to drill down in Chart data where the data is Unspecified or blank and to remember previous filter criteria.
  • Updated the ability to set a default dashboard for new users.
  • Updated the Implementation Guide to help address configuration and security issues during installations.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue with calculation of run hours for new parts with a starting age.
  • Fixed an issue where the XFRACAS Admin tool would encounter errors when attempting to update the XFRACAS Configuration file.


  • Added the desktop-capable BlockSim API (available only with Prenscia Access licensing)



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Resolved an issue where HAL license configurations were not working as expected.


All Desktop Applications

  • Resolved issues where permissions were applied incorrectly when creating private or reference projects.
  • Resolved an issue where the print plot feature would not generate correctly.



  • Resolved an issue where the control panel would not be fully displayed by default with certain resolution and/or scaling settings.



  • Improved the performance of calculations and plot generation for certain scenarios with analytical fault trees using the BDD analysis type.
  • Resolved an issue where the QCP would not calculate in certain scenarios with analytical RBDs.
  • Resolved an issue where variables changed in the Resource Manager were not changed in analytical diagrams.



  • Resolved an issue when adding new task types
  • Resolved an issue where you could not switch between MTBF and Lambda display preference.



  • Resolved an issue where certain task packaging selections resulted in an error.



  • Updated the Responsible Part report to work even if the Catalog Number detail is retired.
  • Updated Oracle Managed Data Driver to the latest version.
  • Restored Oracle Customer Connection strings.
  • Allowed saving of project title in read-only mode.
  • Report Builder can now generate a report based on changes made to a saved report without needing to first save the changes.
  • Removed multiple warnings about filter limits on the Incident report when filtering data by responsible part.
  • Added support to CSI XML import allowing warranty calculation method to not be a required element.
  • Added additional support for changing the attachment storage location preference after attachments have been uploaded to the database or file server.
  • Added additional reporting filters to support security details within reports.



  • Resolved issues with the API example files pointing to prior versions.
  • Resolved an issue where you could pass ineligible parameters into a model using APIs.



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Initial public release for Version 2022 applications.


All Desktop Applications

  • Improved default appearance of plot confidence bounds.
  • Allowed for action status updates to be copied to clipboard.
  • Updated licensing to use TLS 1.2 encryption protocol.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where conditional probability notation would display in the wrong order in QCP.
  • Resolved an issue where the AIAG-VDA standard was not visible by default if the user had changed the program language to one other than English
  • Resolved an issue where some GUI items would appear very small on high-resolution monitors when importing/exporting.
  • Resolved an issue where permissions were applied incorrectly when creating a private project.



New Features
  • Added the ability to calculate probability of successful demonstration for a proposed test.
  • Added AIC and BIC as metrics for statistical fit of distributions.
  • Overhauled the distribution wizard to better inform distribution selection.
  • Made it easier to create a plot of several reliability demonstration test options.
  • Made it easier to enter actual failure times into the expected failure times plot.
  • Improved labelling and visibility of control panel buttons.
  • Clarified an error message when trying to calculate an optimum replacement interval where none can be found.
  • Allowed changing plot resolution for stress-strength plots.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the X-Y values were not visible when clicking on the Life-Stress plot in some cases.
  • Resolved an issue where certain buttons were not available in the ribbon



New Features
  • Added Binary Decision Diagram solver method for analytical fault trees.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where an “index out of range” error would appear when switching between windows in the batch properties editor.
  • Resolved an issue with group-by operations in the batch properties editor.
  • Resolved an issue where cut set reliability values were displaying with nonsensical precision in scientific notation.


Lambda Predict

  • Updated communication to use HTTPS



  • Made it easier to enter action date values in the worksheet view without encountering an error.
  • Added a pre-configured SAE J1739 (2021) profile to the default library file of the software.
  • Included creation and date information as selectable fields for custom FMEA spreadsheet with items reports.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where importing from enterprise databases required a workaround when on locally hosted licensing.
  • Resolved an issue where new item categories did not nest properly.



All Desktop Applications

  • Fixed an issue where the print plot feature would not generate correctly.
  • Resolved issues where permissions were applied incorrectly when creating private or reference projects.



  • Resolved an issue where variables changed in the resource manager were not changed in analytical diagrams.
  • Resolved an issue where you could not switch between MTBF and Lambda display preference.



  • Resolved an issue where you could not switch between MTBF and Lambda display preference.
  • Resolved an issue when adding new task types.
  • Resolved an issue where certain task packaging selections resulted in an error.



  • Resolved issues with the API example files pointing to prior versions.




  • For XFRACAS systems with multiple entities and security details enabled in Version 21, attachment reports were allowing users with limited entity access to view attachment filenames within the attachment report output in entities they did not have access to. Access to the actual file displayed in report output was blocked when a user tried to go to the attachment record if that user did not have permission to view that record. In 21.0.4, the attachment report with security details has been revised to limit report output to show attachments only in the entities and in the records with security detail restrictions that a user has access to.
  • For XFRACAS systems with multiple entities with users that only have limited entity access, although the default report settings work as designed, a user could manually edit the filter criteria to return results from entities that they did not have access to. Access to the actual record displayed in the report output was blocked when a user tried to go to that record if that user did not have permissions to view that record. In 21.0.4, this possibility no longer exists.




  • Fixed an issue where the notation for conditional probability was incorrect in QCP.
  • Added the ability to add identical failure times to the Expected Failure Times plot.



  • Fixed an issue where mirror blocks were not being treated appropriately in subdiagrams in some cases.



  • Added the combined AIAG-VDA-1 standard profile to be available (in English) when the software is set to a language other than English.
  • Fixed an issue where some fields that were available in an "Items" report were not available in the "FMEA Spreadsheet with Items" report, when they should have been.



  • Resolved issue with project and problem attachments when attachments are not stored in database within Version 2021.
  • Enabled read-only details on project and problem pages.
  • Enabled support for extended Unicode Portuguese character support in the entity name.
  • Added several preferences to control Project Title and Start Date fields.
  • Added support for This Year and Last Year reporting options to report based on fiscal year instead of just calendar year.
  • Added Report Title to output page for Custom SQL query output.
  • Added the permission-based ability to edit details that are configured to normally be read-only once a value is entered.
  • Enlarged the default size for several dialogs.



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Resolved an issue where attachment restrictions could be circumvented by importing.


All Desktop Applications

  • Resolved multiple issues with upgrading V9 databases and newer to V21.
  • Added an option to switch between SMTP authentication methods for generating e-mails.
  • Resolved an issue where applications would not execute if FIPS 140-2 was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue where in certain situations you could not create a restore point.
  • Resolved an issue where in certain situations the pack and email feature would not function.
  • Resolved an issue with the messaging for attachment restrictions.
  • Resolved multiple issues regarding restricting attachments.
  • Dropped support for upgrading from file types before ReliaSoft Synthesis Version 9.
  • Resolved an issue where the 'Created by' name for restore points would be incorrectly modified during database upgrades.
  • Resolved an issue where restoring from a restore point would result in an error.
  • Resolved an issue where certain buttons in the Database Settings window would appear outside of the window at certain resolutions.



  • Resolved an issue where the Time and Usage option would be incorrectly displayed when setting up the Dates of Failure warranty format.
  • Resolved an issue where the Modify Design window would cause the application to become unresponsive.
  • Resolved an issue where RGA folios that were initially created in RGA 10 would have empty data sheets.
  • Resolved an issue where the Optimum Replacement plot would cause the software to not respond.
  • Resolved an issue in usage format warranty analysis folios where cells were not appropriately grayed out for forecasted future sales.
  • Improved the speed when copy and pasting large amounts of data from Excel into Weibull++.



  • Modified the messaging when users are approaching use limits for available memory, user objects or GDI objects.
  • Improved memory resource usage in XFMEA and RCM++.
  • Resolved an issue where attachment restrictions could be circumvented in the Report Word Doc feature.



  • Resolved an issue where attachment restrictions could be circumvented in the Report Word Doc feature.



  • Updated SEP’s attachments utilities to apply the optional file type restrictions that are now available in desktop applications.
  • Addressed an issue with the optional service that runs on the SEP web server and sends alerts based on action due dates. The issue occurred when the application’s database connection and/or service account strings were encrypted.
  • Addressed an issue with the links for "watched" XFRACAS reports that can be accessed from SEP’s "My Reports" page and dashboard tiles.
  • In SEP’s FMEAs page, removed the "View Reports" option in the dialogs that link to XFRACAS incidents, problems or failure analysis reports for a specific item or failure mode. This feature was redundant (the dialogs show the same links) and incompatible with the latest security measures for XFRACAS reports.



  • Resolved a cosmetic issue when displaying the Unknown XFRACAS User page.
  • Resolved an issue where pointing to a database with temporal tables enabled would cause the XFRACAS Admin Tool to exit unexpectedly.
  • Resolved an issue where necessary XFRACAS applications would not execute if FIPS 140-2 was enabled within the host environment.
  • Resolved an issue where saved action reports were not compatible with the Status - User field.
  • Resolved an issue when "Outgoing Part and Serial Number" dialog data is updated and saved in Failure Analysis Summary.
  • Resolved an issue where creating a new problem based an incident report containing a single Incident did not associate that incident to the problem.
  • Resolved an issue where the attachment dialog would show the incorrect detail step label.



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Initial public release for Version 2021 applications.


All Desktop Applications

New Features
  • Added the ability to restrict attachments by file type or method.
  • Added the ability to define a default offset for Action Planned Duration.
  • Improved the usability of the Import from Existing Database form.
  • Established a message to notify users when items cannot be accessed from the Analysis Explorer.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where certain suite license configurations would not work correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where commas as decimal separators would not work when adding a Weibull++ dataset using APIs.
  • Resolved an issue where the Application Setup’s User Settings page would load slowly in some licensing scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where the category field could not be edited after making a change.
  • Resolved an issue in the Project Planner where man hours could return incorrect results under certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where Microsoft Office outputs would not save correctly to OneDrive.



  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.
  • Updated the methodology for adjusting M in the Crow Extended/Crow Extended-Continuous Evaluation for the CVM test.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where unnamed data sets were not being displayed in Weibull++.
  • Resolved an issue where the target RGA worksheet would not be updated correctly when "Copy data to a new sheet" was selected in the Change Units window.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to import RGA data from Excel.
  • Resolved an issue where Version 10 files would not open in specific scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue in warranty folios where the initial increment began at 0 instead of the set value.
  • Resolved an issue where Beta-Binomial confidence bounds were not correctly scaling upon unit change.
  • Resolved an issue where commas as decimal separators would not work when adding a Weibull++ dataset using APIs.
  • Resolved an issue where nondestructive degradation analysis folios upgraded from version 18 would be out of sync.
  • Resolved an issue in reliability growth plots where the bar labels would not update correctly after using Plot Modes.
  • Resolved an issue where point unreliability target values would be expanded unnecessarily.



New Features
  • Added the ability to simulate to a target operating uptime.
  • Added the ability to use mirrored blocks in process flow simulation.
  • Added the ability to reuse standard reliability-based RBDs in process flow simulation diagrams.
  • Modified the default convergence tolerance settings in BlockSim to 1E-7.
  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.
  • Added the ability to connect multiple blocks simultaneously in fault trees.
  • Added the ability to see the Block Description in the Block Explorer.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the Simulation window would reduce the speed of the simulations with large numbers of simulations.
  • Resolved an issue where BlockSim was unable to calculate confidence bounds when duty cycle was not set to 1.
  • Resolved an issue where the triangular distribution was returning incorrect results in simulations.
  • Resolved an issue where time units were incorrectly imported or exported.
  • Resolved an issue where errors would be encountered in certain situations when simulating phase diagrams.
  • Resolved an issue where the Quantity field was not used when calculating the FMRA for subsystems.
  • Resolved an issue where syncing FMRA results would not sync duty cycle correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where synced FMRA results that were set to parallel configuration in BlockSim would default back to series configuration when calculating in RCM++ with the "Calculate using BlockSim" method.
  • Resolved an issue where the Simulation Results window would not open with the first row selected.
  • Resolved an issue where BlockSim would not work properly when installed in an environment with Turkish as the default system language.
  • Resolved an issue where Crew Costs were incorrectly returned in BlockSim simulation when multiple crews were assigned.
  • Resolved an issue where simulation worksheets would return incorrect results when a variable was not accounted for in the inputs.
  • Resolved an issue where tab names in the Results Explorer would be labeled incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue where the Plot command would incorrectly be disabled.
  • Restored the ability to calculate confidence bounds in BlockSim when duty cycle does not equal one.  


Lambda Predict

  • Clarified the messaging shown when a user is unable to search due to lack of network connection.
  • Added date labels for the Bellcore and Telcordia standards.
  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.



  • Added Next Higher Level and Next Lower Level property fields with appropriate supporting logic.
  • Added the ability to use the Select Existing Text window to transfer data to and from the DRBFM analysis.
  • Added the ability to select and re-use parent P-Diagram information in the Next Higher Level Function field.
  • Added the ability to filter drop-down lists.
  • Added messaging to the Risk Matrix window when none of the defined risk ranking logic rules would be represented in the current matrix view.
  • Added the ability to modify multiple profiles at once using the Project Manager.
  • Added the ability to view and customize which Action fields are visible in the Test Plan.
  • Added the ability to return up to 500,000 results in reports and queries.
  • Added clear messaging and user-controlled selections for managing duplicate Action and Control resources.
  • Added the ability to add Next Higher Level Item in custom reports, queries and the FMEA worksheet view.
  • Added the ability to activate an FMEA change log upon FMEA creation.
  • Increased the size of the text fields in the User Defined fields to 50 characters.
  • Added the ability to customize what system hierarchy fields can be displayed in the FMRA view.
  • Added units to the Cost Per Operating Time within the Task Manager.
  • Enhanced the authentication methods associated with the change log approval process to support additional environments.
  • Modified the field selected after updating a severity rating within the FMEA worksheet view while using the Grouped Effects and Causes FMEA structure.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue in the Grouped Effects and Causes FMEA structure where revised severity ratings were persisting in transferred effects instead of only populating the initial severity ratings.
  • Resolved an issue where MIL-1629A criticality analysis would not calculate when the "Show quantity, current age and duty cycle" option was cleared.
  • Resolved an issue where the ancestry synchronization icon remained after the associated analysis was deleted.
  • Resolved an issue where the ancestry synchronization icon was assigned to the incorrect characteristic field in the Control Plan.
  • Resolved an issue where the ancestry synchronization icon was not updating correctly in the system hierarchy.
  • Resolved an issue where not all connectors would be pasted into the FMEA Block Diagram.
  • Resolved an issue where connection lines in FMEA Block Diagrams could not be deleted.
  • Resolved an issue where the Person Responsible drop-down list would not show new users.
  • Resolved an issue where Operating Time was not updated correctly after an item was promoted in the FMRA view.
  • Resolved an issue where time units were incorrectly imported or exported.
  • Resolved an issue where the Send Header to FMEA option did not work with DRBFM analyses.
  • Resolved an issue where the proposed interval in RCM tasks would return an error message for users with certain regional settings.
  • Resolved an issue where the System Hierarchy ribbon tab was visible when it should have been hidden.
  • Resolved an issue where a "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error would be encountered in the Scheduled Task Packaging window.
  • Resolved an issue where certain reports would not generate correctly when published to a synced OneDrive folder location.
  • Resolved an issue where synced FMRA results that were set to parallel in BlockSim would default back to series configuration when calculating in RCM++ with the "Calculate using BlockSim" method.
  • Resolved an issue where syncing FMRA results would not sync duty cycle correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where the Quantity field was not used when calculating the FMRA for subsystems.



Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where users could not create a restore point from within MPC.



  • The Select Projects utility shows a separate node for “Locked” projects, similar to the Project Manager in desktop applications.



New Features
  • Added a new “security level” detail type that restricts specified users from accessing certain incident, problem, project and CSI records. Once security levels are defined by an admin, they can be assigned to users and applied to individual records.
  • For implementations that use a SQL Server database (version 2016 or later), added support for history logging. This allows users to generate reports that show a “snapshot” of data at a specified point in time.
  • Added an option to subscribe to a daily e-mail digest that lists records that have been updated within the last 24 hours (or since the last digest was sent). This requires the XFRACAS Data Import Utility (DIU) service to be running.
  • Added view tracking capabilities. Reports can now include information about who has viewed a particular set of records and when they viewed them.
  • Added the option to automatically disable account access after users fail to log in for a specified period. This service can be configured to send e-mail alerts to warn users that their account access is due to expire. It requires the DIU service to be running.
  • Added an easy way to associate large groups of incidents to problems via a standard incident report or chart.
  • Added a way to merge options (and their associated values) in lookup lists.
  • Added the ability to calculate criticality using the maximum or minimum value within a group of two or more specified values.
  • Updated the XFRACAS interface with new icons and a modern, more readable, user-friendly design.
  • Created a separate CSS file so admin users can customize “tips” files without affecting the main XFRACAS website.
  • Updated the information shown for serialized parts that have been repaired or replaced. This information appears in Serialized pages and in the Repair or Replace Parts utility and now includes accumulated hours and other key details.
  • Updated the Report Builder to include a "Does Not Contain" operator for use in creating filter criteria.
  • Streamlined the editing process for the Repair or Replace Parts Table. Users can now edit time/usage data (e.g., “Run Hours,” “Number of Starts” or “kw Run Hours”) directly within the incident.
  • Improved data import processes:
    • Updated the XLSX import template to include a column for specifying whether to use existing parts or add new ones to the system template.
    • Added the ability to export an XLSX import template that is pre-populated with HIDs and Part IDs, eliminating the need to enter these values manually.
    • Created a new Data Import Guide (accessible from the admin help).
  • Improved performance for handling large data sets (more than 1,000,000 records).
  • Improved the handling of large diagnostic and import logs, which now display the most recent 1,000 records per page and a count of the total number of records.
  • Implemented measures to ensure that file attachments can now be downloaded securely.
  • Created an online version of the XFRACAS Implementation Guide in addition to the traditional printer-friendly format (PDF).

Version 2020

NOTICE: ReliaSoft 2020 was the last major release of RBI (Risk Based Inspection). RBI has been discontinued as a ReliaSoft product as of Version 2021.



All Desktop Applications

  • Established a message to notify users when items cannot be accessed from the Analysis Explorer.
  • Resolved an issue where Microsoft Office outputs would not save correctly to OneDrive.
  • Corrected an issue with the example API files that were referencing the version 19 libraries.
  • Resolved an issue where the Application Setup’s User Settings page would load slowly in some licensing scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue in the Project Planner where man hours could return incorrect results under certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where certain suite license configurations would not work correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where the category field could not be edited after making a change.
  • Added the ability to restrict attachments to the database by filetype and/or method.
  • Added an option to switch between SMTP authentication methods for generating e-mails.
  • Resolved an issue where in certain situations you could not create a restore point.
  • Resolved an issue where in certain situations the pack and email feature would not function.
  • Resolved an issue where certain buttons in the Database Settings window would appear outside of the window at certain resolutions.



  • Resolved an issue where Beta-Binomial confidence bounds were not correctly scaling upon unit change.
  • Resolved an issue in warranty folios where the initial increment began at 0 instead of the set value.
  • Resolved an issue where nondestructive degradation analysis folios upgraded from version 18 would be out of sync.
  • Updated the methodology for adjusting M in the Crow Extended/Crow Extended-Continuous Evaluation for the CVM test.
  • Resolved an issue in reliability growth plots where the bar labels would not update correctly after using Plot Modes.
  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.
  • Resolved an issue where commas as decimal separators would not work when adding a Weibull++ dataset using APIs.
  • Resolved an issue where point unreliability target values would be expanded unncessarily.
  • Resolved an issue where unnamed data sets were not being displayed in Weibull++.
  • Resolved an issue where the target RGA worksheet would not be correctly updated when "Copy data to a new sheet" was selected in the Change Units window.
  • Resolved an issue where the Modify Design window would cause the application to become unresponsive.
  • Resolved an issue where RGA folios that were initially created in RGA 10 would have empty data sheets.
  • Resolved an issue in usage format warranty analysis folios where cells were not appropriately grayed out for forecasted future sales.
  • Improved the speed when copy and pasting large amounts of data from Excel into Weibull++.



  • Resolved an issue where simulation worksheets would return incorrect results when a variable was not accounted for in the inputs.
  • Resolved an issue where the Plot command would incorrectly be disabled.
  • Resolved an issue where tab names in the Results Explorer would be labeled incorrectly.
  • Added the ability to connect multiple blocks simultaneously in fault trees.
  • Restored the ability to calculate confidence bounds in BlockSim when duty cycle does not equal one.
  • Added the ability to see the Block Description in the Block Explorer.
  • Modified the default convergence tolerance settings in BlockSim to 1E-7.
  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.
  • Resolved an issue where the triangular distribution was returning incorrect results in simulations.
  • Resolved an issue where BlockSim would not work properly when installed in an environment with Turkish as the default system language.
  • Resolved an issue where syncing FMRA results would not sync duty cycle correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where synced FMRA results which were set to parallel in BlockSim would default back to series configuration when calculating in RCM++ with the "Calculate using BlockSim" method.
  • Resolved an issue where the Quantity field was not used when calculating the FMRA for subsystems.
  • Resolved an issue where in certain circumstances mirror blocks were not handled correctly in subdiagrams.


Lambda Predict

  • Clarified the messaging shown when a user is unable to search due to lack of network connection.
  • Extended the range of available convergence tolerance settings to 1E-10.
  • Modified the default connection method to to use https protocol.



  • Enhanced the authentication methods associated with the change log approval process to support additional environments.
  • Modified the field selected after updating a severity rating within the FMEA worksheet view while using the Grouped Effects and Causes FMEA structure.
  • Added the ability to select and re-use parent P-Diagram information in the Next Higher Level Function field.
  • Added messaging to the Risk Matrix window when none of the defined risk ranking logic rules would be represented in the current matrix view.
  • Resolved an issue where time units are incorrectly imported or exported.
  • Resolved an issue where certain reports would not generate correctly when published to a synced OneDrive folder location.
  • Resolved an issue in the Grouped Effects and Causes FMEA structure where revised severity ratings were persisting in transferred effects instead of only populating the initial severity ratings.   
  • Resolved an issue where connection lines in FMEA block diagrams were not correctly being deleted.
  • Resolved an issue where the ancestry synchronization icon was assigned to the incorrect characteristic field in the Control Plan.
  • Resolved an issue where MIL-1629A criticality analysis would not calculate when the "Show quantity, current age and duty cycle" option was cleared.
  • Resolved an issue where operating time was not correctly updated after an item was promoted in the FMRA view.
  • Resolved an issue where syncing FMRA results would not sync duty cycle correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where synced FMRA results which were set to parallel in BlockSim would default back to series configuration when calculating in RCM++ with the "Calculate using BlockSim" method.
  • Resolved an issue where the Quantity field was not used when calculating the FMRA for subsystems.
  • Resolved an issue where the proposed interval in RCM tasks would return an error message for users with certain regional settings.
  • Modified the messaging when users are approaching use limits for available memory, user objects or GDI objects.
  • Improved memory resource usage in XFMEA and RCM++.



  • Resolved an issue where users could not create a restore point from within MPC.



  • Resolved an issue where commas as decimal separators would not work when adding a Weibull++ dataset using APIs.



  • Limited release



All ReliaSoft Applications

  • Initial public release for Version 2020 applications.
  • Beginning with ReliaSoft Version 2020, the term "repository," referring to the specific database schema where ReliaSoft data is stored, has been changed to "database."


All Desktop Applications

New Features
  • Weibull++ is now the home for the Accelerated Life Testing (formerly ALTA), Accelerated Life Testing PRO (formerly ALTA PRO), and Reliability Growth Analysis (formerly RGA) software features. Each of these software features are still separately licensed. We have packaged them together into one unified interface for ease of use and data transfer simplicity.
    In similar fashion, BlockSim now houses Event Analysis (formerly RENO) as a separately licensed feature in its interface.
  • Added the ability to generate a report of Users, Permissions and Security Groups to assist with managing users and auditing security groups.
  • Made an enhancement to the Quick Calculation Pad interface to make it more clear what units are being calculated and returned.
  • Clarified the messaging and intent for the use of metrics across software products and updated the documentation for when the data source is updated (metrics have a one to one relationship with their related data source).
  • Updated the application style, user interface and icons.  
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved a critical issue (resolved in 18.0.6, 19.0.2, and 20.0.1) where users could gain access to projects hidden by permissions in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where the Available Columns option was not visible when selecting columns in the Resource Manager.
  • Resolved an issue where the FMRA quantity transferred from BlockSim to RCM++, but not from RCM++ to BlockSim.



  • Enhanced the ability to inspect specific functions when using CTRL + click while in the ReliaSoft Workbook.  
  • Updated the MIL-HDBK 189 reference to "Initial MTBF" to "Average MTBF over the First Test Phase".
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the event log folio would not provide results in certain situations when it should have been able to do so.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to use impersonation to obtain data from XFRACAS.
  • Resolved an issue where the user could encounter dozens of repeating error messages in the robust design folio.
  • Resolved an issue where the event log data could not be transferred to a life data folio if the resultant sheet name would have been longer than 31 characters.
  • Resolved an issue where the number of suspension hours were incorrectly reported from the event log.
  • Resolved an issue where contour plots were incorrectly rendered when resolution was set to 1,000.
  • Resolved an issue where the incorrect time units were transferred into a Weibull++ RBD.
  • Resolved an issue when an error was encountered when updating data in the System Setup window.
  • Resolved an issue in the nondestructive degradation analysis folio where data would be irreversibly consolidated when switching between unit view and inspection view.  
  • Resolved an issue in warranty analysis folios where the software would warn about negative quantity values after calculating but proceed with the analysis and return incorrect results.
  • Resolved an issue in the MTBF vs. Time Plot where the Show Intervals setting in the Show/Hide Items window was not working.
  • Resolved an issue in the fielded growth data folio where the values were not copying to the clipboard.
  • Resolved an issue where the denominator of the ratio when unbiasing Beta for failure terminated data was incorrectly applied.
  • Resolved an issue where the cumulative damage model was incorrectly shown as an option for use with the free-form data folio.
  • Resolved an issue where stress profiles allowed for negative values being present in the first row.
  • Resolved an issue where ALTA PRO 7 files with stress profiles were not correctly converting and being transferred when upgraded.
  • Resolved a math issue which fixed calculations for certain accelerated destructive degradation results. NOTE: In versions prior to 18.0.6 and 19.0.2, results returned in the software may have been wrong.



New Features
  • Added the Comparative Analysis feature, which allows users to exclude specific task types from a simulation, allowing comparison of different maintenance strategies.
  • Added the ability to have blocks in diagrams automatically snap to grid.
  • Added the ability to display any of the block identifiers and certain other fields in the block description using custom tags.
  • Added a visual indicator to allow users to see when a block has an attachment in BlockSim.
  • Added the ability to view information from valves in process flow simulation results.
  • Added the ability to establish subdiagrams or phases by dragging a diagram from the current project explorer.
  • Enhanced the spreadsheet-based fault tree results to make them more user friendly.
  • Added the ability to open a task for editing directly from the associated URD, switch and Block Properties window (for example: when opening a standby container that has a switch).
  • Changed the default setting to turn off Significant Figure Formatting (for BlockSim only).
  • Updated the block description length from 150 characters to 2,000 characters.
  • Changed the default value for Scientific Notation 'Axis Tolerance' setting for plots to 6 instead of 3.
  • Plot control panel: Updated the Flow Types list and Phase Selection list to follow the same formatting and sorting of the Block Selection list.
  • Added a feature where the scroll position is remembered in the block list when viewing plots.
  • Added the ability to select which blocks to show in the Reliability Importance vs. Time plot.
  • Added the ability to add Target Reliability and Target Availability to BlockSim plots.
  • Added the ability to freeze column headers in the Results Explorer.
  • Updated the Results Explorer to show relevant results for crews and/or spare part pools only when these resources are included in the simulation.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the displayed reliability values of nodes under a standby gate were incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue in fault trees where the gate and event results were incorrectly persisting when contributing subdiagram results changed.
  • Resolved an issue where users with read-only permissions were able to disassociate FMRA data.
  • Resolved an issue where, if a scheduled task used a fixed interval that was set as a global variable, BlockSim XML exports would not include the global variable.
  • Resolved an issue with importing diagrams from XML where importing diagrams with task packages would result in incorrect scheduling of tasks.
  • Resolved an issue where XML exports of very large diagrams would cause the application to crash with an out-of-memory error.  
  • Resolved an issue within process flow simulation results where incorrect results were returned when minimum flow rate was defined and the main line had a flow lower than valve input.
  • Resolved an issue within process flow simulation where the Equal++ allocation type was not working correctly when capacity was still available for allocation.
  • Resolved an issue where the Static Reliability Importance plot in the ReliaSoft Workbook was not accepting user inputs.
  • Resolved an issue where the simulation result indicator was not changing state correctly when subdiagrams were modified or resimulated.
  • Resolved an issue in simulation when the initial stock level for a spare part pool was first set to zero that the pool would not replenish when configured appropriately.
  • Resolved an issue where OFF events were not influencing results for blocks or events within subdiagrams as they were for the primary diagrams.
  • Resolved an issue where the simulation results for Total Utilization and Total Repair Time for crews were incorrect in some situations with multiple threads.  
  • Resolved an issue where simulation results were incorrect when the simulation was run with more than one thread when the generalized gamma distribution was used.
  • Resolved an issue where simulation results were incorrect when k-out-of-n scenarios also involved corrective tasks in a subdiagram that brought the system down.
  • Resolved an issue where simulation results were incorrect when an inspection- based maintenance group was triggered from within a subdiagram.
  • Resolved an issue where BlockSim MTBF calculation results were incorrect in very specific situations when the normal distribution was used.
  • Resolved an issue where custom curve connectors were not behaving correctly in BlockSim diagrams.
  • Resolved an issue where block descriptions were not being applied when established or updated from FMRA.


Lambda Predict

  • Added the ability to use "0" as the top level in the import template for a BOM import.
  • Added the ability to output a generic Top Level System report that shows all components.
  • Added the ability to specify which components to show in appropriate Lambda Predict plots.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the comments field for components was shortened in Version 2018 and Version 2019. Result of fix is that comments field has been restored to 2,000 characters.
  • Resolved an issue where users could incorrectly select multiple components while viewing component derating.  
  • Resolved an issue where items were sorted incorrectly in Lambda Predict reports.



New Features
  • Added several fields and a shipped profile to allow users to follow the Design and Process FMEA approaches as outlined in the AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook, First Edition. The following modifications to the software were made to support this approach:
    • Added "DFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" and "PFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" to default profile library. (English only)
    • Added AIAG & VDA report outputs.
    • Added multiple FMEA header fields for AIAG & VDA profiles - Company, Location, Customer, Subject text fields and Confidentiality Level drop-down list.  
    • Added the Role field to the Team tab of the Analysis Plan window.
    • Added the optional ability to select Action Type for FMEA actions to be able to define prevention or detection action types.   
    • Added two additional optional criteria for each FMEA rating scale (Severity, Occurrence and Detection) and enhanced the ability to manage the criteria.
    • Added Next Higher Level and Next Lower Level property fields with appropriate supporting logic.  
    • Added Next Higher Level Function and Next Lower Level Function optional fields to FMEA functions.
    • Added Next Higher and Next Lower (direct dependents) filters to the Select Existing Text window’s filter options.
    • Added Filter Code field to FMEA causes.
    • Added the ability to enable Function/Requirement, Functional Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement fields in the P-Diagram.
  • Added the Comparative Analysis feature, which allows users to exclude specific task types from an FMRA simulation, allowing comparison of different maintenance strategies
  • Updated the wording to make it more clear to the user that checking out a project with ancestry connections will result in breaking ancestry connections and resolved an issue where ancestry indicator light changes were not correct following checkout.
  • Added ancestry indicators in the Test Plan view.
  • Added ancestry indicators in the FMEA Worksheet view, providing users the ability to use ancestry features in either work view.
  • Updated the messaging in the MIL-1629A Criticality Analysis to make it clear to the user that hidden fields (when hidden) are influencing calculation results.
  • Enhanced the case sensitive button in the Find and Replace tool to make it more clear to the user that it is a button and not a label.
  • Added the ability to custom select hierarchy levels or ranges of levels in in XFMEA and RCM++ reports.
  • Added the optional ability to manage all FMEA change log revision labels at the database level instead of allowing users to be able to define them.
  • Enhanced the number of characters for many properties in XFMEA.
  • Added two additional user-defined drop-down lists to each primary XFMEA record type (Function, Failure, Effect, Failure, Control, Action) and to Item Properties and FMEA Headers.
  • For the “FMEA Spreadsheet with Items” import type, added the ability to import below a selected hierarchy item.
  • Added the ability to manage item permissions without first removing all other users from the project.
  • Added the ability to include CM Tasks in queries.
  • Added the ability to include task category in task reports and queries.
Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue in FMEA Block Diagrams where Auto Arrange would hide blocks.
  • Resolved an issue in FMEA Block Diagrams where the connectors for blocks contained within higher system blocks were lost when copied and pasted.
  • Resolved an issue where users with read-only permissions were unable to view FMEA Block Diagrams.
  • Resolved an issue where the Smart Add tool encountered an unhandled exception when adding failures or lower definitions.
  • Resolved an issue where not all test plan actions from Version 11 repositories would be converted to Version 2020.
  • Resolved an issue where the Cause Number ("Cause #") was not being output in RCM++ reports.
  • Resolved an issue where global resources were not being included in RCM++ reports.



Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where multiple interval columns were incorrectly included in custom Zonal and Structures reports.



  • Added a Content-Security-Policy header in the application’s web.config file that will help to detect and prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) and other code-injection attacks. This can be viewed and modified via the SEP Admin Utility on the web server.
  • Due to security concerns, retired the option to get the custom content for the SEP home page from an HTTP URL. A customized header can still be defined via the SEPDefault.htm page on the web server.
  • New standalone help file can be accessed directly from the application.
  • Actions and FMEA record properties pages support new fields that were added in XFMEA (user-defined dates, action type, status detail, next higher level item, etc.).
  • The Project Plan page and dashboard tile are not visible in SEP if the “Enable Project Planner” option is not selected for the database.



New Features
  • New option in the Report Builder that filters date fields by a specified number of days in the past or future (e.g., incidents created in the last 30 days or actions that are due in the next 7 days).
  • New option in the Report Results page that generates printer-friendly output for the records that match the search criteria (e.g., you can run a report for new incidents created this month and then print them without having to open each individual record).
  • New permission that controls who can close an incident.
  • New preference that sends e-mail to the parent record’s owner when an action is closed.
  • New preferences that send e-mail to the parent record’s team when an action is created or closed.
  • New variable that inserts the responsible part in incident e-mails.
  • In Report Results, the record number fields now use natural sort (e.g., inc-9, inc-10, inc-11).
  • Added the ability to use the XFRACAS Admin Utility on the web server to modify the max size for uploaded files; also increased the default size to 10 MB.
  • Added a Content-Security-Policy header in the application’s web.config file that will help to detect and prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) and other code-injection attacks. This can be viewed and modified via the XFRACAS Admin Utility on the web server.
Defect Fixes
  • Addressed an error that occurred when upgrading the database if the IT admin was not a user in the RSUser table.
  • Addressed an error that occurred when creating a new action if the parent record’s record number contained a single quote (‘) or ampersand (&).
  • Addressed an error with the Part Search utility that occurred if the Rev_Item_ID form element was not present.
  • Addressed an error in the Problem page that occurred when a TAB character was pasted into the Display Text for one of the configurable text labels.
  • Addressed an error when a user selected to notify team members via e-mail for a status update.
  • Addressed an error where a user with the “Report Builder – Assign or Remove Public Access” permission was not able to delete a public report created by another user.



Defect Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where the Y-axis plot label in the ALTA API Reliability plot was incorrectly displaying the formula for unreliability.
  • Added the following XFMEA AIAG & VDA properties to the API classes:
    • NextLowerLevelItem
    • NextHigherLevel (Function)
    • NextLowerLevel (Function)
    • FilterCode (Cause)
    • ActionType_AIAG_VDA
    • StatusDetail (Action)
    • UDD3 and UDD4 (Additional user defined dropdowns for all primary classes)




  • Resolved an issue where ALTA PRO 7 files with stress profiles were not correctly converting and being transferred when upgraded.



  • Resolved an issue where not all test plan actions from Version 11 repositories would be converted to Version 2019.




  • Addressed an issue with impersonated connection to the XFRACAS SDW.
  • Clarified the measurement column names in the Inpsection View of the nondestructive degradatation analysis folio.



  • Reliability for dependent events in fault trees is displayed correctly.
  • Addressed an issue with connectors using custom curves.
  • Addressed an issue with corrective maintenance tasks triggered by inspection in subdiagrams in complex configurations.
  • Addressed an issue with the Equal ++ allocation type in process flow simulation diagrams to account for all capacity.
  • Addressed an issue with minimum flow rate results with valves in process flow simulation diagrams.
  • Addressed an XML import issue with large diagrams which was resulting in application crashes.
  • Significantly improved performance of BlockSim XML exports.
  • Addressed an issue in simulation worksheets where the Simulation Output area of the simulation window was not displaying properly for some users.
  • Addressed a simulation issue where multithreaded simulations including blocks using the generalized gamma distribution were providing inconsistent results.
  • Added a Valve Summary worksheet to the results for process flow simulation diagrams.



  • For the MIL-HDBK 189 model for continuous growth planning, "Initial MTBF" has been changed to " Average MTBF over the First Test Phase."


Lambda Predict

  • Addressed an issue with sorting reporting outputs correctly when no sort method was selected.



  • Corrected the values displayed in the SD column of the dashboard’s Failure Causes Grid tile. For example, if Severity = 8 and Detection = 5, the SD metric is obtained by concatenating the ratings (85) rather than multiplying (40).
  • Addressed an error in the FMEA data output to XML (“hexadecimal value is an invalid character”) that occurred if the data set contained a low ASCII control character that was pasted into an XFMEA input field.
  • Addressed an issue with the Select Projects button in the FMEAs page that occurred if the current project did not have an FMEA.
  • Addressed an issue with accessing the OK and Cancel buttons in the dashboard’s Add Project window that occurred when the browser height was less than approximately 8 inches.




  • Addressed an issue with intermittent outage due to pool connection request timeout.
  • Addressed an issue that cleared the “Owner” field on the incident page when a user did not have the “Incident – Change Owner” permission.
  • Addressed an issue with the list of dashboards displayed in the Dashboard page.
  • Addressed an issue with the ability to edit or delete User Categories.
  • Addressed an issue with “Check Box” details not appearing selected by default when configured to do so.




  • For the Part Number field in part incidents, added the ability to filter based on part name (in addition to part number). The Available Part Numbers utility now returns a max of 1,000 parts and you can change the filter from within the utility.
  • For IT admin users who need to upgrade a database from the prior version, added a warning that stops the upgrade process if the user does not have the required permissions.
  • Addressed an issue with XML export when the website is configured to use https (Preference = “SSL Server Mode Required”).
  • Addressed an issue where a public dashboard for one entity was available to users of a different entity.
  • Addressed an issue with editing actions via the “Modify Action Utility” window that resulted in duplicate entries for certain types of details. Any duplicate entries will be removed when you update the database tables for 19.0.2.
  • Addressed an issue with attached files that contain a “+” or “&” character in the filename.
  • In the Create Link page, added the ability to use the “Type” and “Saved Report” fields to create links to custom SQL reports.
  • Addressed an issue with updating the run hours when the “Incident – Auto-populate Time Metric 1” preference is enabled and you change the occurrence date in a previously saved incident.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Data Import Utility (DIU) from sending reminder e-mails.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented e-mail alerts when incidents were created or updated.



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  • Fixed a security issue where project filters could be manipulated in secure repositories to allow read-only access to projects that the user did not have access to.
  • Added functionality to the network indicator: if a connection error occurs, the tooltip that is displayed when you point to the error message will show the associated IPStatus value.
  • Resolved an issue where global models would not always open correctly.



  • Resolved an issue where the mean life and other calculations in the Accelerated Destructive Degradation folio would return incorrect results and would not correctly correlate with stress levels. NOTE: This fix will cause different results in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where in special cases of using the normal distribution to describe time to event failures, Weibull++ diagrams could result in CDF/PDF integrations that included the negative time domain and therefore had the potential to return negative mean life calculations. NOTE: This fix will cause different results in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where contour plots would be displayed incorrectly when resolution was set to 1.000.
  • Resolved an issue where the Batch Auto Run window would not display correctly when application scaling is set to values other than 100%.
  • Resolved an issue where the control panel would not be displayed correctly when application window is small.



  • Resolved an issue where in special cases of using the normal distribution to describe time to event failures, BlockSim diagrams could result in CDF/PDF integrations that included the negative time domain and therefore had the potential to return negative mean life calculations. NOTE: This fix will cause different results in certain scenarios.
  • Beginning with BlockSim 19.0.2, the default setting for Significant Figure Formatting is set to off.
  • Beginning with BlockSim 19.0.2, the default setting for Scientific Notation is set to 6.
  • Resolved an issue with inconsistency with applied duty cycle for analytical results in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue with the iterations setting in allocation analysis not affecting the results or convergence resolution.
  • Added the capability to use the Copy Plot Data feature with the BlockSim Up/Down plots.
  • Resolved an issue where annotations were not included when selecting all blocks.
  • Increased visibility of print options and made Page Setup a prominently featured button in the Print area of BlockSim.
  • Resolved an issue where the system settings for date and region formats were not followed in simulation settings.
  • Resolved an issue with analytical diagrams as function data sources in the Synthesis Workbook word processing module.
  • Resolved an issue where the positioning of text would shift for all fault tree events when you navigated away from the fault tree diagram.
  • Modified the upper limit for number of represented blocks for a single multi block from 5,000 to 10,000.
  • Resolved an issue where an error would be encountered under very specific conditions when there were mirrors used across diagrams and subdiagrams.



  • Resolved an issue where the default number of systems for growth data folios was not remembering modified settings.
  • Resolved an issue where the show/hide setting for intervals in the MTBF vs Time plot stopped working.
  • Lambda Predict
  • Resolved an issue with importing parts where regional settings would override failure rate and MTBF values and cause them to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue where Elastic Modulus results were returned incorrectly for the following part types in NSWC 2011: Spring, Beam; Spring, Cantilever; Spring, Torsion; Washer, Belleville; Washer, Wave.



  • Resolved an issue where FMEA Block Diagram connections would not be displayed or would be displayed incorrectly in certain situations.
  • Resolved an issue where FMEA Block Diagram Connections would not refresh correctly with the proper names once modified.
  • Modified the default setting for default profile to follow either XFMEA or RCM++ depending on which application interface is run first.
  • Resolved an issue where Smart Add would result in an error under certain conditions when trying to add failures.
  • Resolved an issue where certain users were unable to view FMEA Block Diagrams in secure repositories.
  • Resolved an issue where the spell checker would not work in the RCM++ Task Manager window.
  • Resolved an issue where FMEA Block Diagram Connections could not be deleted in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to convert *.lb11 files to the Version 2019 library format.



  • FMEA Queries & Data
    • Added the ability to export/download FMEA query results from the web browser to Excel.
    • Introduced a new web service that returns FMEA data for an item or group of items. If you have specialized reporting needs that are not directly supported, you can use SEP as a web data source in an external reporting tool such as Excel or Power BI.
  • Web Dashboards
    • Added the “Failure Causes Grid” dashboard tile, which shows a prioritized list of potential failure causes with the controls and actions that will mitigate the risk.
    • Added “FMEA Stats” and “FMEA Stats Grid” dashboard tiles, which show at-a-glance metrics for an FMEA or combined from a group of FMEAs, such as % analyzed, risk profiles with trend from initial to revised, new risks and actions added in a given period, and actions due/overdue or closed in a given period.
    • In relevant dashboard grid tiles, added the ability to filter and/or group data from within the grid.
    • In relevant dashboard tiles, added the option to choose preset date ranges (e.g., Last 30 Days, This Month, Next 2 Weeks) instead of specific dates.
    • In relevant dashboard tiles, added the option to choose “My Projects,” which returns data from the projects that you have chosen to monitor in SEP.
  • In FMEAs > FMEA Stats, updated the % Analyzed calculation for failure causes to account for configurations that are not based on RPNs (e.g., risk ranking, prioritize based on Severity, etc.).
  • In FMEAs > FMEA Stats, addressed an issue in the record quantities for situations when the stats include data from sub-items and there are linked FMEAs.



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  • Initial public release for Version 2019 applications.