August 08, 2024 IO-LINK
IO-Link offers an excellent way to modernise system architectures of industrial machines while also reaping the benefits of low total cost of ownership (TCO) and high return on investment (ROI). It promises simple setup, communication down to the field level, and cost savings. Let’s take a closer look at how the technology delivers these benefits.
With a traditional setup, you would need to connect passive strain gauge-based sensors to a separate amplifier using four- or six-wire shielded cables in order to protect the low millivolt level signals from electromagnetic interference. Not so with IO-Link, which cuts out the need for complicated wiring or single/double shielded cables. Due to digital signal transmission and standardised connectors, the signal is EMV/EMC resistant and the installation is much easier and more efficient. What’s more, IO-Link directly outputs measured values in the correct units (e.g., kg, Nm, N), so you can dispense with the hassle of time-consuming parameterising processes.
One of the most attractive benefits of IO-Link technology is the cost advantage. IO-Link does away with the need for an amplifier in the control cabinet and gives you ways to enhance your machine designs, saving not only time but money. Plus, the system uses standard IO-Link cables, which are over 10 times cheaper than their analog, strain gauge-based sensor equivalents, significantly reducing your cabling expenses.
This simplified setup reduces the space footprint of your technology too. Building amplifiers directly into the IO-Link sensors allows them to connect directly to decentralised IO-Link masters positioned close by, meaning you don’t need extra cabinet space. And the smaller the cabinet size you need, of course, the more money you save.
Investing in IO-Link technology isn’t just about keeping up with the times; it’s a strategic leap towards modernising manufacturing processes. But what is IO-Link? How do smart sensors work? And how do they enable instant cost savings and help your company gain a competitive edge?
Discover how IO-Link and our portfolio of IO-Link sensors can transform your manufacturing landscape – efficient, reliable, and future-proof.
Setting up and maintaining complex traditional systems doesn’t just take time – it also takes specialised training. Technicians would typically need to understand wiring, cabling, sensor scaling, signal output.
IO-Link, on the other hand, makes the process far easier, thanks to pre-stored sensor scaling information, streamlined parameterisation, standardised connectors, and standard IO-Link cables, and even a standardised method for connecting and parametrising all types of sensors within a machine. These simplified commissioning and servicing processes cut down service costs, time, and training efforts, so technicians can allocate more resources to the task at hand.
HBK IO-Link sensors are constantly monitoring applied loads and temperatures, sending out warnings as soon as a problem occurs, before any damage is done. At the same time, you avoid data overload, because the domain-specific algorithms used to pre-process measurement data only transmit essential results.
All of which means less downtime, more reliability, and greater accuracy.