The LAN-XI Open API interface is a wire protocol based on REST and JSON – two technologies know from the web – that allow HTTP commands to control settings in the module and stream data between LAN-XI hardware and your third-party programs and applications. A user guide with a description of all commands is included and samples are available at GitHub® (mostly in C#).
Controlling a single LAN-XI module is relatively simple and should be your starting point. The Open API, however, also supports multiple sample-synchronous LAN-XI modules – in frames and/or distributed via Ethernet. It is possible to connect modules to a wireless router and then control them from a phone or similar, but we do recommend that you start with a wired solution, which is easier to debug.
Often the standard software, such as BK Connect or Tescia, covers a large part of the measurement requirements, but there are also testing needs that cannot be performed with the current standard. In this case, the only options are to either program your own software or rely on third-party software. An open ecosystem of data acquisition systems is crucial.
With LAN-XI data acquisition system’s Open API interface, you can rely on a precise and market-established system that allows you to subsequently analyze the data with standard software or by connecting any software with a programmed interface.
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For many years, we have been providing measurement solutions for the entire measurement chain, helping engineers work with increasingly complex measurement requirements and regulations: From precision transducers, through class-leading data acquisition hardware, to operator-friendly software.
More Information About LAN-XI Open API
Learn how LAN-XI Open API helps you with your measurement needs. Contact your local sales representative or request a call on the form below!
Need help to program the interface? Let our experienced HBK Engineering Service Team assist you.