Nordland County Municipality (Nordland fylkeskommune) serves as the governing body for Nordland county in Norway and oversees various regional affairs. Within Nordland county, a road bridge known as the Herøysund Bridge, constructed in 1966, connects the primary islands of Sør and Nord Herøy. In January, 2023, the construction of a replacement bridge commenced, and it is due to be completed and open for public use in the autumn of 2025.
With cracks appearing in the concrete of the ageing Herøysund bridge, Nordland County Municipality faced the task of keeping the bridge safe while the new bridge is being built.
An HBK strain strain gauge solution for continuous monitoring of strain and crack extension in the structure and the long-term behaviour of the bridge.
By monitoring the structure, one can make informed decisions about necessary repairs or replacements to maintain the bridge’s structural integrity while also reassuring the public that the bridge is safe for use.
The knowledge and lessons learnt from this project will play a pivotal role in enhancing bridge safety standards and ensuring the longevity and reliability of future bridge constructions.
The Herøysund bridge, opened in 1966, is an essential part of Nordland’s county road 828, connecting the islands of Sør-Herøy and Nord-Herøy. However, the presence of cracks in the concrete gives warning signs, indicating that that the bridge is facing substantial challenges. While plans are well underway to construct a new bridge, this process will take several years. In the meantime, the local population heavily depends on the bridge as it serves as a vital transportation link. With boat travel being the only alternative, any decision to close the bridge would undoubtedly face significant opposition and disapproval from the local community. Therefore, given the circumstances, immediate measures were necessary to guarantee the safety and functionality of the bridge.
Nordland County Municipality, in collaboration with partners Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), SINTEF Narvik and The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) initiated a project aimed at strengthening and extending the operational life of the bridge. Per Ove Ravatsås, Master of Science and advisor at Nordland County Municipality, was given the crucial role of overseeing the entire project including arranging and supervising the monitoring of the cracks that had appeared in the concrete structure of the bridge.