Position of control room
The control room should, if possible, be positioned within sight of the vibration system. If this is not possible then a CCTV system should be installed to provide a view of the vibrator.
Room access
There should be adequate access both for installation and maintenance of the vibration system, and to allow the easy and safe mounting of payloads and fixtures.
Consideration should be given to the vibration, especially at low frequencies, that will be transmitted into the floor during testing. Various mounting options are available to reduce transient vibration, but all have a low-frequency limit. An unsuitable isolation mounting resonance can lead to excessive motion of the vibrator and even damage to the surrounding building.
Location of amplifier
The system amplifier should not be sited directly against a wall as this will restrict the air flow available to cool it; maintenance will also be easier if the amplifier is surrounded by free space. System user manuals contain detailed recommendations on this.
Airglide mounts
When equipment is fitted with ‘Airglide’ mounts, it is necessary to ensure that the floor has a suitable finish and level as specified in the user manual.
Fan hoses
Extended fan hoses should not be fitted without consulting the engineering team at Brüel & Kjær VTS; any hose extensions could result in the vibrator overheating. For the same reason, sharp bends in hoses should be avoided, and hose arrangements shown in outline drawings should not be modified without consulting Brüel & Kjær VTS.
Floor loading
The floor must be able to bear the load of the vibration system – vibrators and their associated equipment are heavy items.
Position of main isolators
Main electrical isolators and switches should be fitted in an accessible position close to the amplifier. Positioning should comply with relevant safety regulations.
Acoustic noise
Be aware that due to the nature of vibration systems, audible noise is produced by the armature. For larger systems this can often lead to high levels of noise. Careful consideration should be given to the use of sound attenuating structures and soundproof rooms, etc. Vibrator noise levels are specified in the user manuals.
Other equipment
Siting vibration systems next to other heavy equipment can cause problems due to the transmission of vibration or electrical noise.