HighSpeed Voltage input card, 8 channels; 25 MS/s, 14 bit, 8 GB RAM.
*** features ***
- single ended
- 1 MOhm or 50 Ohm impedance
- input range 1 MOhm: ± 10 mV to ± 100 V
- input range 50 Ohm: ± 10 mV to ± 5 V
- Bessel analog anti alias filter, with digital
Bessel and Butterworth down sampling filters
- 16 digital event and two counter / timer inputs
*** compatibility ***
tethered mainframes: GEN2tB, -3t, -4tB, -7tA, -17tA
mainframes with integrated PC: GEN3i, -3iA, -7i,
***options (factory installed, order seperately)***
- real-time formula data base 1-GEN-OP-RT-FDB