Solutions for the entire measuring chain, including custom-made transducers
Since selecting HBK, Marenco has been relying on high-tech HBK solutions at critical points in the development process, particularly for test benches in the whirl tower and for the main and tail rotor.
Three U10M force transducers in the whirl tower measure static and dynamic tensile and compressive forces of the helicopter rotor. Most torque is calculated directly from the three force transducers.
The test bench for the main gearbox uses a T40B variable digital torque transducer with a magnetic rotational speed measuring system for precise data acquisition, even at low speeds.
HBK custom-developed four three-component transducers for Marenco. These transducers are used for dynamic measurements of axial force Fz and lateral forces Fx and Fy. Static flight maneuvers can be simulated one-to-one with the three-component transducer.
The test bench for the tail rotor includes the compact HBK T22 transducer for simple torque applications and an additional HBK S9M force transducer.
In addition to the force and torque transducers it uses in the test benches, Marenco is also conducting experimental examinations of components using HBK strain gauges. The gauges are placed on the components, then evaluated and analyzed by powerful data acquisition systems in the HBK QuantumX family and with HBK catman software.
HBM's solutions have more than met the Marenco developers' expectations, and the company will continue to rely on HBK for measurement technology as in moves toward its 2016 delivery date and into the future.